Claudio Povolo, together with Andrea Savio, illustrate the book “L’uomo che pretendeva l’onore, storia di Bortolamio Pasqualin”, shedding light on the fascinating tale of Bortolamio Pasqualin.
“In Professor Povolo’s narratives, the stories of the chosen location for the evening intertwine. This place complements the stories told and is recounted through the professor’s words. In the 16th century, indeed, this magical place was precisely the home of the book’s protagonist, Bortolamio Pasqualin, a silk merchant. As history sometimes does, seemingly playing tricks on us, it repeats itself, revealing once again the nature of the place which in the 19th century becomes a spinning mill. And now, all this interweaving comes alive again today, closing a circle through the installation by Rita Scarpinato and Paolo Donadello, shedding light on the place’s past, revealing its intricate history. They breathe life back into the origin of all this, the butterflies, and entrust them with narrating the story, illuminating the tale and the evening.”